domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Cupcake rose - Eye make-up tutorial-

Hello readers!! Here I brought to you another eye make-up, I was inspired by those girls/womans that don't like to wear BRIGHT AND SUPAH COLORED eye make-up, but when they are in the mood they like to break that rule and use a little bit of a fun color!

Here is the look: 

I used a few colors to do this look, but the principal idea in this one is to BLEND, BLEND, BLEND the colors. You DON'T want at all sharped lines. So grab you favorite make-up brush and blend, blend, blend trying this look! 

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Glitter rocks! - Eye make-up tutorial -

Hello everyone! I'm back and I did an eye make-up tutorial :D
 This is my first one so i'm doing the best I can with the photos and the step by step writing. So, I wanted to show  you how you can pull off easily a make-up using glitter and with products that you can find anywhere!

Here is the look:

Keep reading and watch the step by step and the products I used for this look!

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Tip monday!

Welcome to Tip Monday, the day where I'll do my best to provide you usefull tips and tricks on make-up.
Today I will be talking about.... a finger. YES, a finger, specifically the ring finger:

Keep reading and find out why the hell i'm talking about a darn finger on tip monday!

sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

How to do a creative make-up brush holder.

This past few day's I was cleaning my room and I wanted to add some creative details to it, so I came up with this idea and you can use it for whatever you want eather like a make-up brush holder o a marker or colors holder.

So, I am a cooffe addict and Starbucks Cooffe is like heaven for me, bad thing is that here in Venezuela we don't have one. In the past trips i've done I brought with myself some cups froms Starbucks, I addmit it, I collect them like crazy! So I thought I could do something with them and give them a usefull task. Keep reading and watch how I did this. Enjoy.

martes, 16 de agosto de 2011

Ramsgate, UK.

Watch the video, the quality is amazing! 

Ramsgate is a small city from england. I'm going to live there for six months because I'll be in a english school, BUT my ultimate fear is not being 6 months away from home, it's the fact that I'm going to travel alone.
Is a freaking long procces to actually arrive to Ramsgate....

8 Favorite beauty products!

So, to start this blog I decided to go simple. I'm going to show you here my 8 fave beauty products I love the most.

My signature!

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011


This is my first blog ever (besides Tumblr I guess) and i'm exited to post cool photos, things I like, tips on make-up or just posting photos of places I visit. I truly want to be as active with this blog as I can and put all my effort in to it, first because I finished school and I HAVE NOTHING TO DO, secondly is because I'm going to be traveling in september and nomvember and I woul love to have a place where I can share properly the pictures I take and the story behind them, and last but not least is because I', going to be in England for 6 month in a english course and I want to share it all, i'm so excites about it!

Thanks for reading!

(And yes, I am from Venezuela but because I like english better I'm going to write in english. Sorry if you see any grammar mistakes, that's why i'm going to do the english course)