Learn how to fill out those gaps and to give a nice shape to your eye brows!
From this
To this
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Lets have a little chat about the brows...
You need to know a few things that may help you to mantain your brows:
- You may like to do it your self or to let a profesional do the job of plucking or waxing your eyebrows.
- After you pluck or wax them, you need to keep doing the plucking every week (at least) with a tweezer.
- Try to pluck only the new hairs that are around of your brow, don't experiment too much because if you try to gave your brow new shape you can end up with a not so hot mess.
You need to know a few things when you are going to define your eyebrows:
- Try to find the perfect eyeshadow that matches your eyebrow color.
- If you have dark hair, the brows must be two tones lighter than your hair.
- If you have light hair, the brows must be two tones darker that your hair.
- Don't overdraw them too much, or they gonna look like a drag-queen eyebrows.
- OH! And try to find a good eyebrow brush, if you are from Venezuela Farmatodo has this brush or if you are from USA i'm pretty sure you cand find one in ULTA or Wallgreens or Sephora. Sorry for the europe readers, I don't know any store from that side of the world! :)
Lets start!
Comb the eyebrows.
After you comb your brows, you have the perfect canvas to start.
I'm using the Maibelline Brow Pencil so I can give to my brow the righ shape I want.
So, with that eye brow pencil you are goin to draw a line defining the outer part of
the brow.
Using the same brow pencil, keep drawing the shape you want.
As you can see, using the eyeshadow of your preference and the brow brush,
make swipes in your brow, covering those spots from star to end
like the picture above.
Now you know the tips, tricks and the how to.
Try it on some time, you will be amazed in how much a perfect eye brow can enhance your face!
Thanks for reading.