My first time at Disney was last year and I had the time of my life, Disney is THE happiest place in the world. I cannot lie, I cried because I was overwhelmed with happiness (yeah!) but this time I was BEYOND excited over the fact that I was going the day of my birthday. And because I´m such a sucker for photography I´m going to share with you the pictures I took that day.
If you have ever wondered, the best time of the year to visit parks at Orlando and go pretty much anywhere is november, BUT, after thanksgiving and before middles of December. The parks are so quiet and there is no rush or hurry, the lines for the attractions are less than 10 minutes and, I mean it, is the best time to travel to Orlando.
So, enjoy!
Long post!
I haven´t edited the photos because I have a new computer and need to manage how to
get my editing programs such as Lightroom or photoshop, but they look great overall!
Oh, and another thing... Le Fab Traveauty has reached 1000 views!!!
Thank you :D
All the photos are mine, taken with a Nikon D3000. Please, respect and don´t claim any of them as your own. You may ask for my permission if you want to use any of them outside my page.