jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

The cat eyeliner - Tutorial -

You cannot believe how easy is its. Well, is actually easy to do it but the hard part is to make both eyes look alike, and that that is why with this tutorial I show you how you can achieve a good (or perfect!) cat eyeliner without the pain of trying a houndred times making both eyes look alike. Keep reading!

What you need: 


Eye liner in a not too dark color.

Here we start!


First step and the most important one to me. 
With the pencil you want, draw a diagonal line coming from the outer corner of the eye, then when the
wanted line is in place, draw in the other eye the line in the same position 
to make both eyes look alike or equal.


Now, with the same pencil draw a line giving the eye shape like the picture. Must be a little 
bit curvy so it looks smooth and elegant. Just like a cat eyeliner!


Now, using the liquid liner (or any liner of your preference) just make a dot,
located in the end of the V shape we did with the pencil before.


Now swipe the liner pencil from the dot we did before to the outer 
corner of the eye. Like that, we have the first shape (and most important one) done!
Be very carefully with this, allways remember that both eyes need to loo alike.


With the liner, follow the line we draw before with the pencil.


Fill out the -blank- space that is left with the liner.


Keep drawing the line all the way in from the outer corner of the eye to the
inner corner. Do this step VERY SOWLY, and taking the
needed time to make it right.


Now with the very tip of the eyeliner, draw dots from the outer to the inner corner of 
the eye. Making then from bigger to smallest as you may see on the pic.


Tips and tricks about the cat eyeliner:

  • Practice is key.
  • If you have problems making a straing line or your hand is very shaky all the time, you can try using a Q-tip with make-up remover and fix up any mistakes.
  • Even with your nail (the tip of it) you can fix any little mistake you may have.
  • Practice a lot, as I said before: Practice is key!

Thanks for reading!